The 5 Phases of Solopreneurship

Every successful business grows in phases. But growth phases can be harder to consider when you’re in the middle of your own story, operating as a solopreneur. It’s too easy to get lost in the details, trying to do everything all by yourself. And before you know it, you’re working yourself to death, doing the […]
Is it Time to Pivot Your Business?

We are in a very different landscape right now. Many businesses are struggling, some can’t DO business right now, others are watching their revenues decline. Let’s talk about the art of the pivot and how you can make changes to get your revenue and business back on track.
Networking – Love it or Hate it?
Networking events can be fabulous for your business, or a complete waste of time. And if you are an introvert, they can be torture. How to make it worth your while? Have a plan and a few tools under your belt. Need some additional help? Download the Level Up Networking Guide here
How to Outsource on a Shoestring Budget

“I just can’t afford to hire! My budget is way too small.” I never push back on the budget-size part of this argument; hundreds of solopreneurs run their amazing businesses on blood, sweat, tears, and absolutely minuscule amounts of money. The part about not being able to afford outsourcing? That is a mindset issue, and one that […]
When Going it Alone is Going Nowhere.

I’ve said it before. We’re not meant to do this entrepreneur thing alone. Personally, I’d be lost without my Biz Besties, coaches and mastermind team. I thrive on the conversations, interaction, ideas and motivational accountability. Masterminds are especially valuable for that accountability and forward momentum, but they’re not for everyone or for every stage of business. So […]
The Trap of Working IN Your Business, not ON it

Danger! Danger! Most of us start our entrepreneurial journey with a passion. A passion to serve, to share our expertise, or just for the love of what we do. With that, we jump into our business with both feet, hands and everything else and devote as much time as we can spare for the creation […]
Creating Visibility: Do Your Customers Even Know You Exist?

Visibility means having your entrepreneurial business be visible to the audience you want to serve. This means being in front of them in any number of ways and creating a strategy for promoting brand awareness that is custom-made for the stage of development your business is in. This week, I will walk you through two […]
Do You Hate Sales? Then Don’t Sell.

I used to dread the thought of selling. It didn’t fit my personality; I hated feeling spammy or pushy. I just dreaded the whole process. But business doesn’t happen, and revenue doesn’t come in, without the selling. The game changer for me was moving from selling to inviting. It’s an offer, not a push. Need […]
Get Out of Your Own Way – Pt. 2

Part 2 of 2. Last week I covered 4 obstacles that can get in your way. This week, I’m finishing up with the final 4. 5. “I have a good sense of where I want my business to go, but can’t figure out how to get there” This is when growth and transition are the […]
Know Your Numbers

I know. It feels like hopping on the scale. That dreaded moment that many women agonize over (me too!) when they get on the scale to check their weight. Time’s up! Was I good, or bad? Is there shame or self-doubt? Jubilation? Body image aside, we need to get over that fear regarding our businesses. […]