Is money, or the lack of it, keeping you from growing your business? There may be reasons other than cold hard cash that are holding you back. Join me for a class in Money Mastery to learn how to conquer the money issue.

But I can’t afford it!

It’s too expensive!

Maybe next year…

Sound familiar? I hear it all the time. In fact, it is one of the most common issues that female entrepreneurs face after finally getting their business off the ground. The transition from start-up to success means understanding this vital principle in business:

You can’t afford NOT to invest in your business.

If you are not investing money into your business, the fact is that money is holding you hostage. If you want to break free, you need to be ready to face the obstacles in your path between where you are now, and where you want to be.

Join me for a class on MONEY MASTERY


Think you don’t have enough?

Does money work for you or do you work for money?

Do you see present expenditures as a value-add for your future business?

Do you spend money with purpose?

We will explore:

The 7 money blocks that are keeping you from growing and how to eliminate them.

How to start charging what you are worth.

How to get comfortable with sales.

Sources of money – It’s out there!

In the long run, it is costing you more to put off investing in your Biz. And, it isn’t just costing you dollars, it’s costing you peace of mind and freedom from the hamster wheel.

In other words, by missing opportunities to invest in your business now, your Biz is holding you hostage. Time to break free.

I have found that there are three major types of obstacles that hold many small business owners back from their true potential: Mindset, Resources, and Sales.

Mindset Obstacles

In order to thrive in business, you have to identify the mindset obstacles that are between you and success. This is true when it comes to money as well.

Risk Aversion: Does it feel like too much of a risk to invest in your business? You are not alone. Becoming comfortable with taking some risk is critical to identifying and taking advantage of great opportunities to grow your Biz.

Imposter Syndrome: It is very common for female entrepreneurs to harbor the deep-seated idea that they just aren’t good enough. As a result, they undervalue their services and are less likely to invest in themselves and their Biz.

Fear of Failure: Fear-based decision-making of any kind is a big mistake. The ultimate irony is that when we make decisions based on fear, we almost always create the very thing we are most afraid of in our lives and our business.

Ready to conquer your Money Mindset issues? Sign up for my Mastering Money class today.

Resource Obstacles

Resource obstacles come down to two basic questions: Where and How.

Where? The money is out there, you just need to know where to look. Once you make the decision to invest in your business so that you can achieve success and personal freedom from the daily grind, finding the money isn’t actually all that hard.

How? Of course, you also want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. Knowing where to best invest your resources is the second resource obstacle that many new Biz owners struggle with.

Ready to put money to work for your Biz, but aren’t sure how or where to start? My Mastering Money class is for you.

Sales Obstacles

Sales is the heart of generating revenue for your business whether you sell a product or provide valuable services. Getting comfortable with sales is an obstacle that many entrepreneurs don’t really want to face, but it is critical to growing any Biz.

My Mastering Money class will address why it is that sales can seem like the hardest part of growing your Biz, and what to do to get past this major block to growth.

Join Money Mastery Class 

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