Most solopreneurs start to work with me because they feel they are up against a wall: Bad habits they can’t break, stalling in their growth, or imposter syndrome keeping them stuck. We have all been there.

But more often than not, I find they are stuck because they are overwhelmed by their own huge, gutsy plans. The thought of a “6 or 7-figure business” can be daunting, but one thing I find is more helpful than anything else is to pare back those big goals to much smaller ones. Even embarrassingly small so that they can start seeing success. Start building momentum and you can watch the exponential magic happen.

I realize this goes against the guidance of many coaches. But if you fall down the rabbit hole of a lack of confidence or imposter syndrome, it can be tough to crawl back out. This is one of the major principles of my Accountability Group. If I can set you up for success from week to week, you will stretch farther and higher as you go along and ultimately achieve those big goals.

Here are some steps:

One last thing. You need to give yourself permission to take baby steps. Most solopreneurs are Type-A personalities and find the thought of going anything but “all out” unacceptable. Ease up. You will get there faster if you are not so hard on yourself.

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